SUNScholar/XMLUI Theme/M2
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This is a very brief installation guide for the new Mirage2 theme released with DSpace version 5.
EIFL Webinar
Please view the following webinar before continuing.
- Please make sure that the server is able to download software dependencies from the internet during the maven build process.
- If your interent is intermittent, then it is probably wise not to use the Mirage 2 theme, but rather stay with the Mirage 1 theme for better stability.
- It is assumed that you installed DSpace according to: - Mirage 2 with DSpace => 5.X requires Ubuntu 14.04.
- If you want to upgrade to 14.04 LTS, then check:
- Use port 80 and 443 as default on the Tomcat Java webapp server.
- Configure chosen UI as the default ROOT Java webapp.
Install Ubuntu Software
- After logging in as the "dspace" user, install the required Ubuntu software, by typing the following:
sudo apt-get install git curl maven ruby-compass default-jdk default-jre
Enable Github Downloads
- Redirect git downloads from port 9418 to port 443:
git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://
Step 1 - Install Non-Ubuntu Packaged Software
Step 1.1
- Install the "node.js" software, by typing the following:
sudo curl -sL | sudo bash -
Follow the onscreen after installation instructions.
Step 1.2
- Install the node version manager (nvm) software, by typing the following:
sudo curl | bash
Follow the onscreen after installation instructions.
Step 1.3
- Install the ruby version manager (rvm) software, by typing the following:
sudo curl -sSL | bash -s stable
Follow the onscreen after installation instructions.
Step 2 - Install Theme Build Software
- When the above software above has been installed correctly, then logout and login again as the "dspace" user.
- Type the following to install the software required to customise and build the theme:
sudo -i
npm install --no-check-certificate -g bower
npm install --no-check-certificate -g grunt
npm install --no-check-certificate -g grunt-cli
Step 3 - Build Theme
Type the following;
cd $HOME/source
Full Build With Dependency Downloads
mvn -U clean package -Dmirage2.on=true
See example build report below.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Reactor Summary: [INFO] [INFO] DSpace Parent Project ............................. SUCCESS [5.717s] [INFO] DSpace Services Framework :: API and Implementation SUCCESS [1.557s] [INFO] DSpace Kernel :: API and Implementation ........... SUCCESS [5.619s] [INFO] DSpace Addon Modules .............................. SUCCESS [0.048s] [INFO] DSpace Kernel :: Additions and Local Customizations SUCCESS [3.098s] [INFO] DSpace XML-UI (Manakin) ........................... SUCCESS [2.737s] [INFO] DSpace XML-UI Mirage2 Theme ....................... SUCCESS [0.209s] [INFO] DSpace XML-UI Mirage2 Theme :: Local Customisations SUCCESS [3:32.133s] [INFO] DSpace XML-UI (Manakin) :: Local Customizations ... SUCCESS [13.554s] [INFO] DSpace JSP-UI ..................................... SUCCESS [2.898s] [INFO] DSpace JSP-UI :: Local Customizations ............. SUCCESS [4.898s] [INFO] DSpace RDF ........................................ SUCCESS [3.811s] [INFO] DSpace RDF :: Local Customizations ................ SUCCESS [5.349s] [INFO] DSpace REST :: API and Implementation ............. SUCCESS [4.596s] [INFO] DSpace REST :: Local Customizations ............... SUCCESS [5.610s] [INFO] DSpace SWORD ...................................... SUCCESS [2.005s] [INFO] DSpace SWORD :: Local Customizations .............. SUCCESS [4.508s] [INFO] DSpace SWORD v2 ................................... SUCCESS [4.027s] [INFO] DSpace SWORD v2 :: Local Customizations ........... SUCCESS [3.948s] [INFO] Apache Solr Webapp ................................ SUCCESS [16.859s] [INFO] DSpace SOLR :: Local Customizations ............... SUCCESS [6.708s] [INFO] DSpace OAI-PMH .................................... SUCCESS [5.272s] [INFO] DSpace OAI-PMH :: Local Customizations ............ SUCCESS [4.985s] [INFO] DSpace Assembly and Configuration ................. SUCCESS [40.124s] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 6:00.947s [INFO] Finished at: Thu Apr 02 10:27:29 SAST 2015 [INFO] Final Memory: 78M/392M [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Update Regular Rebuild DSpace Script
If you want to use the Mirage2 theme permanently, then make sure to add the Mirage2 build switch to your DSpace rebuild script.
- For example;
mvn -U clean package -Dmirage2.on=true
Step 4 - Activate Theme
- Type the following:
nano $HOME/source/dspace/config/xmlui.xconf
- Add the following to the "<themes>" section:
<theme name="Mirage 2" regex=".*" path="Mirage2/" />
Check that the "Mirage2" theme is the ONLY active theme and is NOT enclosed with <!-- .... -->.
Save and exit the file.
Example Themes Section
<themes> <!-- Example configuration --> <!-- <theme name="Test Theme 1" handle="123456789/1" path="theme1/"/> --> <!-- <theme name="Test Theme 2" regex="community-list" path="theme2/"/> --> <!-- Mirage theme, @mire contributed theme, default since DSpace 3.0 --> <!-- <theme name="Atmire Mirage Theme" regex=".*" path="Mirage/" /> --> <theme name="Atmire Mirage 2 Theme" regex=".*" path="Mirage2/" /> <!-- Reference theme, the default Manakin XMLUI layout up to DSpace 1.8 --> <!-- <theme name="Default Reference Theme" regex=".*" path="Reference/" /> --> <!-- Classic theme, inspired by the JSP UI --> <!-- <theme name="Classic" regex=".*" path="Classic/" /> --> <!-- The Kubrick theme --> <!-- <theme name="Kubrick" regex=".*" path="Kubrick/" /> --> <!-- For information on configuring the mobile theme, see: dspace-xmlui/src/main/webapp/themes/mobile/readme.txt --> </themes>
Step 5 - Customise Theme
Click on the heading above.
Build Issues Troubleshooting
- See point 1 in the notes above, a good internet connection is essential.