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Internationalization localization, requires that the language and locale be configured.

Step 1 - Default Language

Edit the following file:

nano $HOME/source/ 

Go to line 50 and define a language according to:

See example below.
# Default language for metadata values
default.language = en_ZA

Step 2 - Default Locale

Edit the following file:

nano $HOME/source/dspace/config/dspace.cfg

Go to line 1402 or search for default.locale and define locale according to:

See example below.

### i18n -  Locales / Language ####
# Default Locale
# A Locale in the form country or country_language or country_language_variant
# if no default locale is defined the server default locale will be used.
default.locale = en_ZA

Step 3 - Supported Locales

Edit the following file:

nano $HOME/source/dspace/config/dspace.cfg

Go to line 1402 or search for webui.supported.locales and modify accordingly.

See example below.

# All the Locales, that are supported by this instance of DSpace
# A comma-separated list of Locales. All types of Locales country, country_language, country_language_variant
# Note that the appropriate file are present, especially that all the are there
# may be used, e. g: webui.supported.locales = en, de
webui.supported.locales = en, de, fr, uk, es, bg, ca, el, et, gl, it, ja, pl, ru, tr

For each "webui.supported.locales" a language file must exist, see below for the XMLUI language files customisation.

Step 4 - XMLUI Language files customisation

Click here to modify the language files used by the XMLUI interface.

Language Metadata Export Fix

Type the following when connected to the PostgreSQL database;

UPDATE metadatavalue SET text_lang=NULL WHERE text_lang=;


For international language standards, see the following:

For other metadata standards used see:
