Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences/School of Public Leadership/Researchers/U/Uys Frederik Uys

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Uys Frederik, Associate Professor at the School of Public Leadership, University of Stellenbosch

Brief Statement of Research Interests

After obtaining a Diploma in Zoology at the Technikon Pretoria, Frederick Uys worked for three years as a research officer in the Department of Agriculture. He then enrolled for a BA degree at the University of Stellenbosch and graduated (cum laude) in 1985. Thereafter he returned to the public sector as Senior Personnel Officer in the service of the Commission for Administration. During this period he obtained the BA (Hons) in Public Administration (cum laude) at the University of Pretoria and was appointed as lecturer there in 1988. He obtained a MA degree in Public Administration and a Diploma in Tertiary Education (cum laude) at the University of Pretoria. In 1991 Dr Uys was appointed as senior lecturer in the Department of Public Administration at the University of Stellenbosch and enrolled for the D Phil degree which he obtained in 1994 . He is currently an Associate Professor at the School of Public Leadership and his areas of specialisation are Macro Organisations, Personnel Administration and Financial Administration, but apart from that he is also researching inter-governmental relations, chaos theory, ethics and architectural management.

Contact Information

  • E-mail
  • Tel.: +27 21 808 2195 / 2316
  • Fax: +27 21 8082085


  • National Diploma in Zoology: Pretoria Technikon 1979-1980 (Tswane University of Technology)
  • BA (cum laude) - University of Stellenbosch: 1983-1985
  • BA Honours in Public Administration (cum laude) - University of Pretoria - 1986
  • MA in Public Administration - University of Pretoria - 1989 Thesis Title: "Struktureel-funksionele Desentralisasie in `n Multivlakowerheidshiërargie: `n Suid-Afrikaanse Perspektief." /"Structural, functional decentralization in a multi- level government hierarchy: a South African Perspective." The thesis is a macro-analysis of the structures from central to local government level as well as functions that can be decentralized to community level according to the criteria of devolution, delegation, privatization and deconcentration. The establishment of an optimum government level (Regional authority) within the Third World context was described and explained.
  • Diploma in Tertiary Education (cum laude) - University of Pretoria - 1989
  • D.Phil in Public Administration - University of Stellenbosch - 1994 Thesis Title: "Demokratiese Teorieë as Kriteria vir die Ontleding van Alternatiewe Plaaslike Owerheidstrukture vir Suid-Afrika." /"Democratic Theories as Criteria for the Analysis of Alternative Local Government structures in South Africa."

Democracy is used as criteria to evaluate various national and international local government systems and a specific normative approach to local government structures and strategies was taken.


  • 6 March 1978 - 5 March 1979 Dept of Agriculture: Trainee Technician - Agricultural Zoology (Stock Improvement Schemes).
  • 6 March 1979 - 5 March 1982 Dept of Agriculture: Research Technician.
  • 6 March 1982 - 16 December 1985 Dept of Agriculture: Senior Research Technician. Studies during this period full-time for the BA degree with a Public Service Bursary and had to work during holidays.
  • 17 December 1985 - 30 June 1987 Commission for Administration: Personnel Officer.
  • 1 July 1987 - 30 June 1988 Commission for Administration: Senior Personnel Officer.
  • 1 July 1988 - 28 February 1990: Lecturer in Public Administration, University of Pretoria: Taught the following modules: Introduction to Politics Organizational Science Administrative Law Personnel Management Financial Management Development Management Taught academic courses to Senior Civil Servants (deputy-director and higher ranks) in National Government as required by the Commission of Administration.
  • 1 February 1990 – 31 May 2010: Senior Lecturer at the School of Public Management and Planning, University of Stellenbosch

Teach the following subjects--On first, second and third year level, Hons. and Masters in Public Administration. Macro-organization in the Public Service: Central, Regional and Local Authorities: Democracy, Capitalism and Socialism. Intergovernmental Relations Public Resource Management: Finance and Personnel in the Public Sector Public Management: The whole spectrum of public management Local Government Various other subjects: In Development, Organizational Science, Local Government. Capstones (projects -3 rd years) on Self-learning, Service Delivery, Tourism, Corruption and Climate Change. Integrated Public Management Orientation to Public Management Coordinate Distance Education for MPA degree for the School of Public Management and Planning.1999-2003.

  • Head of undergraduate section of the School of Public Management and Planning –Stellenbosch 2002- 2008
  • Head of Office in Stellenbosch 2009-2010
  • 1 July 2010 Associate Professor (Current)

International Exposure

  • The Study tour to Nigeria and Ghana (West-Africa) in October 1993 was organized by the Commonwealth Secretariat in Britain with the aim of doing research about the training of public servants and students. The places visited were those where there are universities and institutes for the training of civil servants: Lagos, Ibadan, Zaria, Abuja, Jos and Onugu and Accra. The Tour lasted 24 days and insight could be gained in the problems of these areas.
  • Research and academic relations with University of Villa Maria, University of Cordoba, University of Yuyu, State Departments and Local Government in Argentina, May, 2002.
  • Research in United States of America, Wyoming. Laramie, August, 2002, Intergovernmental Relations.
  • Research in Leuven, Belgium, September – October 1996 and September – November, 2002, Sentrum Voor Overheidsbeleid en Bestuur, Catholic University of Leuven.
  • Sweden University of Umea – Present lectures on Poverty and AIDS. November 2004.
  • Research in New Zealand and Australia. Unitec-Business School of Auckland. Augustus - November 2008. Also presenting classes for post graduate international students. Done research on curriculum development, ethics, intergovernmental relations and risk management.


  • Member of Monitoring Committee for Waste Management in Stellenbosch 1999-2002
  • Member of Management of Taxpayers Association -1997-2002
  • Coordinate the Application and Committees for M and PhD-studies 1996- 2004.
  • Member of the Management Committee for Teaching and Learning for the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences.2003-2004. Also member of Task team for the advancement of Students.
  • Serve on Ad Hominem Promotion Committee for Cape Peninsula University of Technology as external assessor. May 2010.
  • An Editorial Board Associated Member of Asia Pacific Journal of Business and Management. New Zealand. 2009-


Journal Articles

  • Uys FM 1995 “Meerderheidsreël - ‘n Mite? / Majority Rule - a Myth?” In Administratio Publica, Vol. 6. No.1. June.
  • Uys FM 1995 “n Teoretiese Benadering tot Optimum Desentralisasie van Owerheidstrukture en Funksies” In Administratio Publica. Vol. 6. No. 2. December. (A Theoretical Approach for Optimum Decentralised Governmental Services and Functions).
  • Geldenhuys L en Uys FM 1995 “Risikobestuur in Plaaslike Owerhede” In Administratio Publica, Vol. 6. No. 2. December. (Risk management in Local Government).
  • Daniels PI en Uys FM 1997 "Community Participation in the Saldanha Steel Project : A Case Study" In Administratio Publica, Vol. 8, No. 2, December.
  • Botha DC en Uys FM, 1999 "Korporatiewe Identiteit: 'n Nuwe Bestuursterrein vir Munisipaliteite" In Administratio Publica, Vol. 9, No. 2. December. (Corporate Identity: a New Management Approach for Municipalities). p36-57.
  • Greybe L en Uys FM 2001 "Strategies for Diversity Management." In Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 36, No. 3, September.
  • Uys FM 2002 " Chaos theory and Practice: A New Management Paradigm" In Politeia, Vol. 21, No. 2.
  • Manona W en Uys FM 2002 “Why Nurses Quit and How to Retain Them: A Case Study” In Administratio Publica, Vol. 11, No. 1. p81-116.
  • Barle DG and Uys FM 2002 “Macro Perspective on Intergovernmental Relations in respect of Local Political Structures” In Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 37, No. 2, June.
  • Greybe L and Uys F.M. 2004 “Effective Communication Skills within Diverse Organisations” In Administratio Publica, Vol. 12, No. 2, October. p119-146.
  • Mackintosch G, Uys, FM, Delport E, 2006 “Regulatory Governance and the South African Water Sector Safe Drinking Water: a Dream for All or a Reality for a Few?” In Administratio Publica, Vol. 14, No. 2, August.
  • Lopez Hoyos A and Uys FM 2008 “Theoretical Perspective to Fiscal Decentralisation in Developing Countries” In Journal in Public Administration, Vol. 43, No. 1, March. p26-43.
  • Rabie, B and Uys FM 2008. “Municipal Performance Legislation: Promoting Performance Management” In Administratio Publica. Vol. 15. No. 2. p84-102.
  • Uys FM 2010. “Improving Performance in the Public Sector: Strategies for Consideration” In Administratio Publica Vol 18. No. 2. June. P54-73.

Chapters in Books

  • Schwella E, Pycroft C, Muller JJ, Van Rooyen A, Uys FM 1995 “Strategic Management” In Cloete F, Mokgoro J in Policies for Public Service Transformation, Juta & Co.
  • Fox W and Uys FM 2000 "Managing Diversity: A Contemporary Management Approach", In Good Governance for People, NBD, Drukkery Street, Goodwood, Western Cape.
  • Theron F, Van Rooyen A en Uys FM (Editors) 1998 Spanning the Global Divide: Networking for Sustainable Delivery, School of Public Management, University of Stellenbosch.
  • Uys FM 2001 "No Structure No Development" In Public and Development in Action. School of Public Management and Planning, Goodwood, Western Cape.
  • Fox W and Uys FM 2002 "Chaos within Diversified Environments: Revisiting Contemporary Performance Systems" In Outcome-based Governance: Assessing the Results. University of Stellenbosch. 8 th International Winelands Conference, University van Stellenbosch. Editors K van der Molen, A Van Rooyen and B van Wyk. p105-135. ISBN 0796201846.
  • Muller K and Uys FM 2006 "Regulatory Governance of the Water Sector in South Africa" p206-226. In Regulatory Governance in Developing Countries. M Minogue and L Carino. United Kingdom. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. ISBN 13: 9781845426125 ISBN 10 184546126.
  • Mackintosch GS and Uys FM, 2006 "Climbing South Africa's Water Service Ladder: Safe Drinking Water through Regulatory Governance" 281-302. In Regulatory Governance in Developing Countries. M Minogue and L Carino. United Kingdom. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. ISBN 13 978184546125 and ISBN 10 1845426126.C

Conference Papers

  • Cloete GS, Fox W, Muller JJ, Schwella E, Van Rooyen A, Uys FM 1997 “Civil Service Systems in Comparative - South Africa - Country Study”, Paper delivered on 5-8 April 1997. International Conference on Governmental Systems in a Comparative Perspective, Bloomington Indiana, VSA.
  • Fox W and Uys FM 1998 "Managing Diversity: a Contemporary Management Approach" Paper delivered on the 7 th International Winelands Conference, University van Stellenbosch, South Africa.
  • Fox W and Uys FM 2001 "Chaos within Diversified Environments: Revisiting Contemporary Performance Systems" Paper delivered on the 8 th Winelands Conference, University of Stellenbosch.
  • Delport, E. Mackintosh, GS Uys, FM. 2003 “Regulatory Governance and the Water Sector: South African Drinking Water Quality: A Dream for All or Reality for a Few?” Paper delivered at the 9 th International Winelands Conference, 10-12 September, University of Stellenbosch.
  • Muller JJM and Uys FM 2003, “Amanzi Ayimpilo (Water is Life): Regulatory Governance of the Water Sector in South Africa.” International Conference Challenges to Development, Innovation and Change in Regulation and Competition. Paper delivered on 15 th October, Mandaluyong City, University of Manchester and Philippines, Manila, Philippines.
  • Uys FM 2004 “Strategies for Improving Performance in the Public Sector” Paper delivered at the ASSADPAM Conference, Premos Conference Centre, 13 and 14 May, Pretoria.
  • Mackintosh GS, Manxodidi T, Uys FM, Wensley A, 2004 Climbing South Africa’s Water Services Ladder – Safe Drinking-Water through Regulatory Governance. Paper delivered: Centre on Regulation and Competition (CRC) 3rd International Conference, Pro-poor Regulation and Competition: Issues, Policies and Practices, Cape Town, South Africa, 7-9 September 2004.
  • Muller JJ and Uys F.M. 2004 “Adapt or Die: Societal Transformation and Progamme Innovation in South Africa”. Paper delivered at NASPAA Conference October Indianopolis, USA.
  • Naff K. and Uys F.M. 2005 “Representative Bureaucracy in South Africa: Success or Failure.” Paper delivered in Chicago MPSA (Midwest Political Science Association), 63 Annual National Conference. April 7-19 Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, Illinois,
  • Lopez Hoyos A. and Uys F.M. 2007 “Theoretical Perspective to Fiscal Decentralisation in Developing Countries.” Paper delivered at ASSADPAM Annual Conference, Polytechnic of Namibia, Windhoek, 29 May 1June 2007.
  • Muller, J.J.M. and Uys F.M. 2008 “Innovation or Compromise?: The Evolution of an MPA programme” Paper delivered at ASSADPAM Annual Conference. Free State University. 28-29 October.
  • Uys, FM 2010 A Critical Analysis on Decentralisation Initiatives in South Africa: A Co-operative Perspective. Paper delivered at IASIA/IIAS 28 th International Conference of Administrative Sciences. Nusa Dua. Bali- Indonesia.12-17 July 2010.
  • Hyde A. & Uys FM. 2011. Architectural Management: An Alternative Approach to Public management Thinking. Paper submitted to the Western Political Science Association Conference. San Antonio, Texas. April 21-23 April.

Research Supervision

Master's thesis

  • De Villiers IS 1995 - Plaaslike Regering en die Gemeenskap: `n Kritiese Evaluering van Ordonnansie 50 van 1974 in die Kaapprovinsie. / Local Government and the Community; A Critical evaluation of Ordinance 50 of 1974. MPA.
  • Loots W v H. 1996 - Vaste Afvalbestuur in Khayelitsha deur die Aanwending van Plaaslike Ondernemerskap./ Waste management in Khayelitsha though Local Entrepreneurship. MPA.
  • Trussel G J 1997 - Paths to Self-development in the Public Sector. MPA.
  • Van Deventer BL 1997 - The Improvement of Service Delivery in the Static Protection Units of the South African Police Service. MPA.
  • Daniels PI 1997 - Community Participation in the Saldanha Steel Project: A Case Study. MA.
  • Botha DC 1997 - Die Korporatiewe Identiteit van die Munisipaliteit van Stellenbosch. /Corporate Identity of the Municipality of Stellenbosch. MA.
  • Jansen PM 1998 - A Critical Re-appraisal of the Role of Social Work in Development. MPA.
  • Albertyn J 1999 - Die Vestiging van 'n Eenvormige Organisasiekultuur in die Suid Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag. / The Establishment of a Common Organisational Culture in the South African Defence Force. MPA.
  • Du Plessis J 2001- Seksuele Teistering in die Staatsdiens./ Sexual Harassment in the Public Sector.
  • Manona W 2000- Causative Factors of Turnover among Registered Nurses in the South African Public Service Hospitals.
  • Siegelaar L 2000 - Opleiding vir die Hantering van Ernstige Geweldsmisdaad - 'n Gevallestudie/ Training for the Handling of Serious Violence Crime- a Case Study.
  • Moelich M 2001 - Voorraadbestuur by die Helderbergmunisipaliteit /Logistic management in the Helderberg Municipality.
  • Horstman M 2001 - Veiligheidsbeleid in Zuid-Afrika / Security Policy in South Africa.
  • Adams N 2003 - Impak van die Oorplasingsproses van Personeel in Plaaslike Owerhede./ Impact of the Transfer process on Personnel in Local Government.
  • De Wolde JR 2003 - ‘Privatisering: Een witboek oder een Zwartboek voor Zuid-Afrika? / Privitasation – Assessment of pro’s and con’s for South Africa.
  • Williams BD 2004 - Training and Development Needs Assessment for Previously Disadvantaged Managers in the Income and Cash Directorate, City of Cape Town.
  • Zorko P. 2005- Veiligheidsissues en Criminaliteitsbestrijding in die Zuid Afrikaanse Samenleving/ Security Issues and Criminal Prevention in the South African Community
  • Jansen van Vuuren J 2006 - Effektiwiteit van Spesialiseenhede van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens in die Noordelike Provinsie/ The Effectiveness of Specialised Units in the South African Police in the Northern Province.
  • Supervising -Netherland MPA students (Senior Officials in the Netherland Government).

Phd Dissertations

  • Barley D 2000 - Local Government Decentralisation Reforms in South Africa: A Comparative Perspective.

Past Events/13th International Winelands Conference 2-4 April 2012

13th International Winelands Conference 2-4 April 2012 will be hosted by the School of Public Leadership.

Theme: Integrity and governance: What is wrong? What is good? What is next?

UPCOMING EVENTS 14th International Winelands Conference 2014


DATE: 31 MARCH - 04 APRIL 2014



The School of Public Leadership (SPL) of Stellenbosch University, South Africa is pleased to announce that Abstract Submissions and Registration is now open for the 14th International Winelands Conference – “Innovation for the Urban Age”.

The topic of the Conference and the themes will form the basis for dynamic interaction between academics, practitioners and stakeholders dealing with this very topical subject.

The conference will have a wide variety of themes relating to innovation and urbanisation which will all add value to the discourse on these issues. There will be a strong focus on innovative concepts that are pragmatic and implementable.

For more information please click CALL FOR PAPERS CLICK HERE to download the Call For Papers for more details


Conference Director Mr David Daniels

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