Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences/School of Public Leadership/Researchers/M/Müller Kobus

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Kobus Müller, Professor School of Public Leadership, University of Stellenbosch

Brief Statement of Research Interests

After extensive experience in environmental conservation in various scientific and management capacities between 1978 and 1988, Kobus Müller joined the School of Public Leadership (previously School of Public Management and Planning) at Stellenbosch University as a Lecturer in 1989 and was subsequently promoted to Senior Lecturer and Associate Professor. He holds the degrees B Sc Agric (Nature Conservation, Zoology & Animal Physiology), B Sc Agric Honours (Animal Physiology), Honours B degree in Public Administration, Master's in Public Administration (MPA) and Ph D in Public Administration, all from Stellenbosch University. To date he was involved in more than 20 completed research projects (including masters and doctoral research) relating to his fields of expertise which include environmental management and policy, sustainable development, policy analysis, public organisation theory and organisational innovation(C). He has published widely and is the author/co author of more than 30 articles, chapters (3 in international publications) and research papers/reports). Apart from the attendance of international conferences, his international exposure includes extended stays in Europe and the USA where he has undertaken research and taught courses as visiting professor. He is a member of the IUCN’s Commission for Education and Communication and acts as the coordinator of the World Conservation Learning Network (Southern Africa) World Conservation Learning Network. He is active in the School’s community interaction activities and has taught in various public management short courses and capacity building programmes, facilitated strategic management, scenario planning and change management workshops and was asked to advise on environmental policy.

Contact Information

  • E-mail
  • Tel.: +27 21 808 3602
  • Fax: +27 21 8082085


The following degrees were obtained through study at Stellenbosch University:

  • BSc in Agriculture (1976) with Nature Conservation, Zoology and Animal Physiology (received the P A van der Bijl gedenkpenning for a distinction in Animal Physiology); and
  • Honours-BSc (Agriculture) in Animal Physiology in 1977 through full time study; as well as
  • Honours-B in Public Administration (1981);
  • Master in Public Administration (MPA) in 1983; and
  • Doctor in Philosophy (PhD) in 1990 through part time study.


  • Matriculate at the State President C R Swart High School in Pretoria with distinction in Biology in 1971.
  • South African Defence Force: Private for compulsory military training in Potchefstroom & Pretoria during1972.
  • Stellenbosch University: full time student from 1973 -1977.
  • Department of Nature Conservation & Tourism, South West Africa (now Namibia): Assistant Nature Conservator in the Namib-Naukluft Park from January 1978 - October 1978.
  • Cape Department of Nature & Environmental Conservation, Jonkershoek: Professional Officer responsible for the drawing up of management plans for nature conservation areas, October 1978 - October1979.
  • Cape Department of Nature & Environmental Conservation, Jonkershoek: Senior Professional Officer in charge of the nature reserves in the Western Cape Region, November 1979 - June 1983.
  • Cape Department of Nature & Environmental Conservation, Jonkershoek: Senior Regional Officer (Chief Professional Officer and later Nature Conservation Scientist) tasked with the responsibility for the overall management of all nature conservation activities in the Western Cape Region, July 1983 - March 1988.
  • Cape Department of Nature & Environmental Conservation, Cape Town: Assistant Director (Environmental Education) responsible for the co-ordination of the institution’s environmental education, planning, and training functions, April - December 1988.
  • Stellenbosch University: Lecturer in the former Public Administration Department from January 1989 till December 1991.
  • Stellenbosch University: Senior Lecturer in the Department of Public and Development Management (later known as the School of Public Management) , January 1992 – March 1997.
  • University van Stellenbosch: Associate Professor in the School of Public Management and Planning since April 1997.
  • University van Stellenbosch: Professor in the School of Public Management and Planning since November 2007.
  • Director the School of Public Management and Planning, Stellenbosch University, 1 February 2008 -

International Exposure

  • Visiting professor at the University of Wyoming (USA): taught post-graduate courses on South African Government and Politics & Environmental Management (1993); Environmental Management from a 3rd World Perspective (1998); Sustainable Development (2003)
  • Katolieke Universiteit Leuven: research on environmental management systems, April – June 1998.
  • Umeå University, Sweden: co-taught with prof Katarina Eckerberg a course on Global Environmental Crisis and World Politics, March 2003.
  • Invited to attend a meeting of the World Conservation Learning Network on “Networking knowledge and building professional capacity for sustainable development” during the 3rd *IUCN World Conservation Congress, Bangkok, Thailand, 18-20 November 2004.


  • Represents the School of Public Leadership on the research committee of the faculty of Economic and Management Sciences since 1997 and;
  • The faculty of Economic and Management Sciences on the Senates’ Sub-Committee A since 2005
  • Chair of the organising committee of the 3rd Winelands Conference on Public Administration in Post-Apartheid South Africa which was held on 3 & 4 October 1991 in Stellenbosch
  • Serves as member of the Overstrand Environmental Advisory Committee since 2006
  • Invited to become member of the IUCN’s Commission for Education and Communication (CEC) and attended on invitation a steering committee strategic planning session in Charmey, Switzerland, 16-20 April 2007

Community Interaction

  • Community service includes serving on the management council of the De Hoop Primary School (1991-1995) and giving talks to community groups and professional associations.


  • Serve as Programme Co-ordinator of the School of Public Management and Planning Programme for Public and Development Sector Capacity Building (Consultus) since its establishment in 1991 and as a director on the Board of Directors of Unistel Consultus after its conversion to a subsidiary company in the Unistell Group in 2002.
  • Taught on numerous short courses for the public and development sector and act as facilitator of workshops as part of Unistel Consultus’ capacity building activities
  • Cited on the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences web list of the 20 researchers who have produced the most accredited publications during the period 2001 to 2004. [1]
  • Played a leading role in the establishment of the multidisciplinary MPhil Programme in Environmental Management in 2001 and fulfils the role of Programme Coordinator since 2005
  • Moderator and external examiner for Rhodes University, University of the Western Cape, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, North West University; Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University
  • Obtained NRF-evaluated researcher status (C3) in 2006
  • Acts as coordinator of the World Conservation Learning Network (WCLN) World Conservation Learning Network Southern Africa after its establishment in May 2006
  • Reviewer for the NRF
  • Referee for the following journals: International Review of Administrative Sciences; Politea; Administratio Publica

Social Media/News Items

i shack ishack by TsamaHub

16 March 2012 Director of Transparancy International to speak at Public Leadership Conference

02 March 2012 Director of Transparency International to attend Winelands Conference

25 October 2011 Change is about more than just equity by Erwin Schwella

05 October 2011 Professor Erwin Schwella to address global audiences

22 August 2011 Curing toxic leadership by Erwin Schwella

15 June 2011 School of public leadership tweets in cyberspace

1 June 2011 Public Protector to speak at SPL Leadership Forum See related article Thulis truly protecting

11 May 2011 School of Public Leadership hosts Western Cape Human Settlements Academic Forum

13 May 2011 Stellenbosch Professor co-authors Unsustainability Report

04 May 2011 SPL helps municipalities manage their finances

20 April 2011 SPL delivers long-term results

15 April 2011 Hard work pays off for top SPL student

12 April 2011 Excellence in management training at Stellenbosch Universitys - SPL

Past Events/13th International Winelands Conference 2-4 April 2012

13th International Winelands Conference 2-4 April 2012 will be hosted by the School of Public Leadership.

Theme: Integrity and governance: What is wrong? What is good? What is next?

UPCOMING EVENTS 14th International Winelands Conference 2014


DATE: 31 MARCH - 04 APRIL 2014



The School of Public Leadership (SPL) of Stellenbosch University, South Africa is pleased to announce that Abstract Submissions and Registration is now open for the 14th International Winelands Conference – “Innovation for the Urban Age”.

The topic of the Conference and the themes will form the basis for dynamic interaction between academics, practitioners and stakeholders dealing with this very topical subject.

The conference will have a wide variety of themes relating to innovation and urbanisation which will all add value to the discourse on these issues. There will be a strong focus on innovative concepts that are pragmatic and implementable.

For more information please click CALL FOR PAPERS CLICK HERE to download the Call For Papers for more details


Conference Director Mr David Daniels



Chapters in Books

  • Co-author of chapter titled Environmental Administration in Fuggle R F & M Rabie (1992) Environmental Management in South Africa, Juta & Co., Cape Town, pp 64-82
  • Co-author of a chapter titled Strategic Management in Cloete f & J Makgoro (1995) Policies for Public Service Transformation, Juta & Co, Cape Town, pp 150 - 173
  • Author of a chapter Natural Resources and Public Management Functions in Schwella (1996) et al Public Resources Management, Juta, Cape Town, pp 277-293
  • Author of a chapter Skills, Applications and Techniques for Managing Natural Resources in Schwella (1996) et al Public Resources Management, Juta, Cape Town, pp 294-308
  • Author of a chapter Critical Issues in Natural Resources Management in Schwella (1996) et al Public Resources Management, Juta, Cape Town, pp 309-321
  • Author of a chapter titled Environmental Challenges in South Africa in Jabbra JG & OP Dwivedi (1998): Governmental Response to Environmental Challenges in Global Perspective, IASIA, IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp 79 - 94
  • Author of a chapter titled The Institutional and Policy Framework for Regulation and Competition in South Africa in Cook P et al (2004): Leading Issues in Competition, Regulation and Development, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK. ISBN 1 84376 482 2, pp 237 - 255
  • Co-author of a chapter titled Regulatory governance of the water sector in South Africa in Minogue M & Cariño L (2006): Regulatory Governance in Developing Countries, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK. ISBN 978 1 84542 612 5, pp 206-226
  • Author of a chapter titled Environmental Governance in South Africa in Strydom HA & King ND (2009) Environmental Management in South Africa, 2nd Edition,Juta, Cape Town, pp 68-96.

Inaugural Addresses

Research Articles

  • Müller JJ (1990): Die Status van die Stelselparadigma in die Publieke Administrasie.Administratio Publica, Vol 2, No 1, Junie 1990.
  • Müller JJ (1990): Die ekologiese perspektief in die Openbare Organisasiekunde.Administratio Publica, Vol 2, No 2, Desember 1990.
  • Müller JJ (1991): Lewensikluspatrone by owerheidsinstellings: 'n gevallestudie.Administratio Publica, Vol 3, No 2, December 1991.
  • Müller JJ & FJ Reynecke (1996): The Role of Field Training in Organisational Change in the South African Police Service.SAIPA Journal of Public Administration, Vol 31, No 3, pp 174-188, September 1996.
  • Müller JJ (1996): Environmental Management from a Public Management Perspective in Administratio Publica, Vol 7, No 1, June 1996.
  • Müller JJ (1996): Leadership in Environmental Management: Implications for the education and training of Public Managers. Administratio Publica, Vol 7, No 2, December 1996.
  • Müller JJ (1997): A Greener South Africa? Environmentalism, Politics & the Future. Politikon, Vol 24, No 1,July 1997.
  • Müller JJ & Van der Waldt G (1997): The Application of Strategic Change Management for the Public Service Transformation – A Model. Administratio Publica, Vol 8, No 1, June 1997.
  • Müller JJ & Van der Waldt G (1998): Toepassing van strategiese veranderingsbstuur vir staatsdienstransformasie: ‘n empieriese ondersoek. SAIPA Journal of Public Administration, Vol 33, No 1, pp 38-73, Maart 1998.
  • Van Rensburg, W, Erasmus W & Muller, JJ (2000): ‘n Waardestelsel vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag. Administratio Publica, Vol 10, No 2, Desember 2000.
  • Müller JJ (2001): Self-organising Structures: Theoretical Construct or Practical Reality? Journal of Public Administration, Vol 36, No 4, pp 284-295, December 2001.
  • Müller K & Decadt L (2003): Public participation in the Environmental impact assessment process in South Africa. Journal of Public Administration, Vol 38, No 3, pp 355-369, September 2003.
  • Muller, K & FM Uys (2003): Regulatory Governance of the Water Sector in South Africa. Philippine Journal of Public Administration, vol XLVII, January-October 2003 numbers 1-4, pp. 219-250.

Conference Papers

  • Müller JJ (1989): The role of the state conservation agency in a changing environment in Low A B and McKenzie B (1989) Conservation in an urbanizing environment: the Greater Cape Town Region Proceedings of a symposium held from 10-12 September 1987, University of the Western Cape, Bellville.
  • Co-editor of Public Administration in Post-Apartheid South Africa, Papers presented at the 3rd Winelands Conference held at the University of Stellenbosch, 1991, published by the School of Public Management, University of Stellenbosch, 1994.
  • Paper at International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration (IASIA) Annual Conference “Leadership in Environmental Management”, 30 June - 5 July 1996, Durban, South Africa.
  • Paper at international conference on Civil Service Systems in Comparative Perspective: “South Africa: A Country study “, Bloomington, Indiana, USA, 5-8 April 1997.
  • Paper (with dr F M Uys) at International Conference Challenges to Development: Innovation and Change in Regulation and Competition: “Amazi Amipilo (Water is Life): Regulatory Governance of the Water Sector in South Africa”, 13 – 15 October 2003, Manila, Phillippines.
  • Paper titled “Adapt or Die – Societal Transformation and Programme Innovation in South Africa” (with dr F M Uys) accepted for the Annual NASPAA conference on Engaging Students, Creating Solutions, Serving the Community , Indianapolis, USA, 21-23 October 2004.
  • Paper titled “Integrated Environmental Management: South African Case Studies” delivered at the International Conference on Governing for Sustainability in Asia , Putrajaya, Malaysia, 12-14 April 2005.
  • Paper titled “Organisational Innovation in Regional and Community Based Natural Resource Management: Some South African Experiences” delivered at ASPA’s Annual Conference The Sky’s the Limit: Idealism and Innovation in Public Service, Denver, CO, USA-March 31-April 4.
  • Paper (with W Enright) titled “Building Trust through Transparency: Multi-Stakeholder Processes towards establishing Water Catchment Agencies in South Africa – A Case Study” delivered at the IIAS Conference Transparency for Better Governance. Monterrey, Mexico, 6-20 July 2006.
  • Paper titled entitled “Assessing Cooperative Environmental Governance Systems: the cases of Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve and the Olifants-Doorn Catchment Management Agency” delivered at the ASSADPAM Annual General Meeting and Conference on the theme Sustainable Public Service Reform: Challenges and Opportunities held in Windhoek, Namibia 30 May - 1 June 2007
  • Paper (with F Uys) titled entitled “Innovation or Compromise: “The Evolution of an MPA Programme” delivered at the ASSADPAM Annual General Meeting and Conference on the theme The Improvement of Teaching Curricula and Methodology held in Bloemfontein, 28- 29 October 2008.
  • Paper entitled Creating Public Value through Collaborative Environmental Governance delivered at the12th Winelands Conference: Public Leadership for Added Citizen Value, Stellenbosch 17-19 March 2010.
  • Paper (with A Fourie) entitled Innovations for Biodiversity Conservation: the Case of the Conservation Stewardship Programme, Western Cape, South Africa delivered at the 28th International Congress of Administrative Sciences in Bali, Indonesia, 12-17 July 2010.

Research Supervision

Master's thesis

  • Van der Walt, G, 1992, Die Rol en Noodsaak van Tweerigting-Kommunikasie tussen die Owerheid en 'n Gemeenskap vir Beleidbepaling, Universiteit van Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch
  • Burger, APJ, 1992, Toepaslike Bestuurstegnologie vir Bekostigbare Fisiese Ontwikkeling, Universiteit van Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch
  • Von Zeuner, PW, 1992, Evaluering van Personeel in die Suid-Afrikaanse Staatsdiens, Universiteit van Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch.
  • Cooper, CE, 1993, An investigation into effective organisational communication: Eskom's Western Cape Region as a case study, Universiteit van Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch.
  • Hughes, JH, 1994, An Investigation of the Relationship between Worker Participation and Management Styles, University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch
  • Hansen, P, 1994, Die toepassingsmoontlikhede van organisasie ontwikkeling op 'n polisiestasie: 'n gevallestudie, Universiteit van Stellenbosch.
  • Pretorius, GJ, 1995, Omgewingsverkenning vir natuurbewaring in die Provinsie Wes-Kaap: 'n voorlopige scenario, Universiteit van Stellenbosch.
  • Kitshoff, A, 1996, Effektiwiteitskriteria vir Polisiëring - ’n Ondersoek na die Effektiwiteit van Polisiëring in die Helderberg Substruktuur: ’n Bestuurskundige Beskouing, Universiteit van Stellenbosch.
  • Decadt, L, 2002, Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment. A Comparative Analysis of the United Kingdom. South Africa and the United States, University of Stellenbosch.*
  • Ward, W, 2002, Organisasie-innovasie vir Omgewingsbestuur, Universiteit van Stellenbosch.
  • Kafidi, WN, 2003, Strategic Options for Trade Unions in the Namibian Police Service, University of Stellenbosch.*
  • Bosch, JN, 2003, Omgewingsvolhoubaarheid met Ontwikkeling, Universiteit van Stellenbosch.
  • Dube T, 2003 An evaluation of the extent to which the National skills Development Strategy has been implemented by a private sector company – the case of Anglo Gold, University of Stellenbosch.
  • Everson AWJ, 2005, Developmental Local Government and the Role that Public-Private Partnerships can play in achieving this in the Breede River/Winelands Municipality, University of Stellenbosch.
  • Ngcobo ES, 2006: The Use and appropriateness of Different Economic Instruments for Water Demand Management at Buffalo City Municipality, University of Stellenbosch.
  • Mlotshwa, SG, 2007: The Impact of Organisational Structures on Service Delivery: A Case Study of the uMgungundlovu District Municipality, Stellenbosch University.120pp.
  • Ndwakhulu SS, 2007. An evaluation of the performance of the Department of Agriculture in Limpopo Province in improving the livelihood of smallholder farmers during the period 1994-2004, with special reference to the Vhembe District, Stellenbosch University.120pp.180pp.
  • Madhanpall, A 2008. An Evaluation of a Public-Private Partnership as an alternative delivery mechanism to enable the effective redistribution of land in KwaZulu-Natal : The case of *Inkezo Land Company. Stellenbosch University.
  • Salo BC, 2009: A Shared Service Centre for Municipalities in the Overberg. Stellenbosch University. 113pp.
  • Sibayi D, 2009: Assesing the Impact of the Structural Fragmentation in the Management and Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Stellenbosch University.
  • Martinus KJ, 2011. Creating a Culture of Learning – recommendations for Public Organisations Stellenbosch University.
  • Jooste-Mokgethi,O.T. 2013. Demand-driven programme provisioning at a public FET College in the Western Cape: Case study West Coast FET College Stellenbosch University
  • Moyo, P. 2013. An assessment of private sector participation as a viable alternative for improved Urban Water Provision in Zimbabwe: The Case of Harare Municipality Stellenbosch University

Phd Dissertations

  • Bakes, CM, 1994, Beleidsdinamika-analise van Omgewingsbesoedelingsbeleid in die Wes-Kaap, Universiteit van Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch.
  • Van der Waldt, G, 1997, Die Toepassing van ’n Strategiese Veranderingsbestuurproses vir die Transformasie van die Suid-Afrikaanse Staatsdiens, Universiteit van Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch.
  • Swanepoel. DV, 2001, Die Bestuur van Verandering in die Publieke Sektor, Universiteit van Stellenbosch.
  • Janse van Rensburg, JL, 2001, Aspekte van Organisasiekultuur in die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag, Universiteit van Stellenbosch.
  • Fourie, MHW, 2002, Die Bestuur van Diversiteit in die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens, Universiteit van Stellenbosch.
  • Du Plessis JA, 2010. Integrated Water Demand Management for Local Governance. Stellenbosch University
  • Jonas, PT, 2011 A scorecard for monitoring and evaluation of governance of special schools in the Western Cape

Other publications

  • Müller JJ & Lombaard BJ (1996): Loodstudie: ’n Ondersoek na Weerstand teen Verandering in die Provinsie Wes-Kaap in PRAETOR Journal, vol 6, nr 5, Mei 1996.
  • Müller JJ & Lombaard BJ (1996): Resistance to Change: Can it be Managed in PRAETOR Journal, vol 89, nr 9, September 1996.

External Links

Social Media

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